-- create function,It returns a value of type thread, which represents the new coroutine co = coroutine.create(funtion print("hi") end)
-- check the state of a coroutine coroutine.status(co)
-- starts the execution of a coroutine coroutine.resume(co)
-- The real power of coroutines stems from the yield function, which allows a running coroutine to suspend its execution so that it can be resumed later coroutine.yield()
Status Switching
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(create) | | v caller resume the coroutime resume other coroutine suspend -------------------------------> running --------------------------------> normal <------------------------------ | <------------------------------- yield |return other coroutine yield/return (return controll to caller) | v dead (return controll to caller)
Note that resume runs in protected mode. Therefore, if there is any error inside a coroutine, Lua will not show the error message, but instead will return it to the resume call.
A useful facility in Lua is that a pair resume-yield can exchange data between them. The first resume, which has no corresponding yield waiting for it, passes its extra arguments as arguments to the coroutine main function
functionstatus() print("co1's status :"..coroutine.status(co1).." ,co2's status: "..coroutine.status(co2)) end
co1 = coroutine.create(function( a ) print("arg is :"..a) status()
local stat, rere = coroutine.resume(co2,"2") print("resume's return is "..rere) status()
local stat2,rere2 = coroutine.resume(co2,"4") print("resume's return is "..rere2)
localarg = coroutine.yield("6") end)
co2 = coroutine.create(function( a ) print("arg is :"..a) status()
local rey = coroutine.yield("3") print("yeild's return is " .. rey) status()
coroutine.yield("5") end)
stat,mainre = coroutine.resume(co1,"1") status() print("last return is "..mainre)
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arg 1 co1's status :running ,co2's status: suspended arg is :2 co1's status :normal ,co2's status: running resume's return is 3 co1's status :running ,co2's status: suspended yeild's return is 4 co1's status :normal ,co2's status: running resume's return is 5 co1's status :suspended ,co2's status: suspended last return is 6